
Eventer communication protocol enables communication between Eventer Server and Eventer Client (in the remainder of this document, mostly referred only as server and client). It is based on Chatter communication, defined in HatEventer SBS module (see Chatter messages) with the following messages:











c > s





s > c





s > c





s > c





c > s





c > s





s > c





c > s





s > c


Immediately after chatter connection is established, client must send MsgInitReq message. This message contains:

  • client name

    Label used as client identification. By convention, client name is usually formatted as <type>/<name> where <type> represents component type and <name> represents component instance name. Both component type and instance name can contain / as additional segment delimiter.

  • client token

    Optional client token. Additional client identification which can be used for authentication or state synchronization between client and server.

  • subscriptions

    List of event types (including query subtypes) which is used as filter for future event notifications. Only events with types satisfying subscriptions will be notified to client.

  • server id

    Optional identification of server used for filtering of notified events. Only events originating from specified server will be notified to client. If server id is not specified, all events (that satisfy subscription) are notified to client.

  • persisted

    Flag indicating when should server send event notifications to client. If this property is true, server should send notifications after events are persisted. If this property is false, server should send notifications immediately after event registration.

When server receives MsgInitReq, server responds with MsgInitRes message. If server declines establishment of new connection, it will respond with error response containing appropriate error description. In case of successful connection establishment, server responds with success message containing current server’s status. Eventer connection is considered established only after MsgInitRes success is sent. In case of MsgInitRes error, server should wait for client to receive message and initiate closing of chatter connection (this waiting should be constrained with timeout period after which server closes chatter connection regardless of client behavior).

Initiation token recommendations for Event Server implementation:

  • When server receives MsgInitReq without client token, it should accept connection.

  • When server receives MsgInitReq with client token, it should compare client token to server token specified by server configuration. Only if this tokens match, connection should be accepted.

Server status

Event Server execution status can be classified as standby, starting, operational and stopping. Difference between these statuses doesn’t impact Eventer communication. Only difference that client can expect is that event registration while status is not operational will usually fail.

As part of successful Eventer connection establishment, server notifies it’s current status to client. During Eventer communication, server can at any time send MsgStatusNotify message and thus notify client of it’s status change.

Events notification

After Eventer connection is established, server can at any time send MsgEventsNotify message. Events in single MsgEventsNotify contain only events from same session (single session’s events should not be split into multiple MsgEventsNotify messages). Before events are sent to specific client, they are additionally filtered using properties negotiated during client’s connection initialization.

MsgEventsNotify can be sent with last flag set to true or false. If client receives MsgEventsNotify with last set to False, it should respond with MsgEventsAck message.

Event registration

After Eventer connection is established, client can at any time send MsgRegisterReq message, requesting event registration. When server receives registration request, it should create new events. If MsgRegisterReq is not marked as last message in chatter conversation, server should send MsgRegisterRes message reporting registration status. If event registration is successful, MsgRegisterRes will contain newly created events associated with ones from register request (association is based on event’s index in event list).

Event querying

After Eventer connection is established, client can at any time send MsgQueryReq message. When server receives MsgQueryReq, it should respond with MsgQueryRes message containing query results.

Supported query types:

  • latest

    Query single latest events of each specified event type. Latest event is considered greatest event by event natural ordering (see Event ordering). This query includes:

    • event types

      List of queried event types include wild-char subtypes (see Event type). If this property is not set, all event types are queried (same as *).

  • timeseries

    Query sequence of events ordered by timestamp or source timestamp. If multiple events have same timestamp or source timestamp, event natural ordering is used as secondary order (see Event ordering). This query includes:

    • event types

      List of queried event types include wild-char subtypes (see Event type). If this property is not set, all event types are queried (same as *).

    • from timestamp

      Inclusive lower limit for event timestamp (query events which have timestamp greater or equal to specified value). If this property is not set, lower limit is not set.

    • to timestamp

      Inclusive upper limit for event timestamp (query events which have timestamp less or equal to specified value). If this property is not set, upper limit is not set.

    • from source timestamp

      Inclusive lower limit for event source timestamp (query events which have source timestamp greater or equal to specified value). If this property is not set, lower limit is not set.

    • to source timestamp

      Inclusive upper limit for event source timestamp (query events which have source timestamp less or equal to specified value). If this property is not set, upper limit is not set.

    • order

      Property specifying choice between ascending or descending ordering.

    • order by

      Property specifying which property is used as primary ordering value - timestamp or source timestamp.

    • max results

      Maximum number events in query result. This value is optionally defined by client. Server should include it’s own restriction on maximum number of resulting events (real maximum number of events could be smaller than one requested by client).

    • last event id

      Optional event identifier. If provided, this event is used as sentinel value for discarding events from query result. When server filters and orders events which should be included in query result, it should sequentially discard events until event id with provided value occurs. Once specified value is found, rest of events are reported as query result with application of max results constraint. Event with specified last event id is not part of query result. This property, together with max results, enables client driven query pagination.

  • server

    Query events associated with specific server id in ascending natural order (see Event ordering). This query includes:

    • server id

      Identification of server which registered queried events.

    • persisted

      If this property is set to true, only events that are successfully persisted are returned. Otherwise, all registered events are returned.

    • max results

      Maximum number events in query result. This value is optionally defined by client. Server should include it’s own restriction on maximum number of resulting events (real maximum number of events could be smaller than one requested by client).

    • last event id

      Optional event identifier. If provided, only events greater by definition of natural ordering are returned (see Event ordering). Event with specified last event id is not part of query result. This property, together with max results, enables client driven query pagination.

All queries result with:

  • events

    List of events satisfing query filters.

  • more follows

    Flag indicating existence of more events that could be included as part of query result but were omitted due to max results constraint.


Documentation is available as part of generated API reference:

Chatter messages

module HatEventer

MsgInitReq = Record {
    clientName:      String
    clientToken:     Optional(String)
    subscriptions:   Array(EventType)
    serverId:        Optional(Integer)
    persisted:       Boolean

MsgInitRes = Choice {
    success:  Status
    error:    String

MsgStatusNotify = Status

MsgEventsNotify = Array(Event)

MsgEventsAck = None

MsgRegisterReq = Array(RegisterEvent)

MsgRegisterRes = Choice {
    events:   Array(Event)
    failure:  None

MsgQueryReq = QueryParams

MsgQueryRes = QueryResult

Status = Choice {
    standby:      None
    starting:     None
    operational:  None
    stopping:     None

Timestamp = Record {
    s:   Integer
    us:  Integer

EventId = Record {
    server:    Integer
    session:   Integer
    instance:  Integer

Order = Choice {
    descending:  None
    ascending:   None

OrderBy = Choice {
    timestamp:        None
    sourceTimestamp:  None

EventType = Array(String)

EventPayload = Choice {
    binary:  EventPayloadBinary
    json:    EventPayloadJson

EventPayloadBinary = Record {
    type:  String
    data:  Bytes

EventPayloadJson = String

Event = Record {
    id:               EventId
    type:             EventType
    timestamp:        Timestamp
    sourceTimestamp:  Optional(Timestamp)
    payload:          Optional(EventPayload)

RegisterEvent = Record {
    type:             EventType
    sourceTimestamp:  Optional(Timestamp)
    payload:          Optional(EventPayload)

QueryParams = Choice {
    latest:      QueryLatestParams
    timeseries:  QueryTimeseriesParams
    server:      QueryServerParams

QueryLatestParams = Record {
    eventTypes:  Optional(Array(EventType))

QueryTimeseriesParams = Record {
    eventTypes:   Optional(Array(EventType))
    tFrom:        Optional(Timestamp)
    tTo:          Optional(Timestamp)
    sourceTFrom:  Optional(Timestamp)
    sourceTTo:    Optional(Timestamp)
    order:        Order
    orderBy:      OrderBy
    maxResults:   Optional(Integer)
    lastEventId:  Optional(EventId)

QueryServerParams = Record {
    serverId:     Integer
    persisted:    Boolean
    maxResults:   Optional(Integer)
    lastEventId:  Optional(EventId)

QueryResult = Record {
    events:       Array(Event)
    moreFollows:  Boolean